
I have a Master of Library Science with a digital library emphasis within the School of Library Science at Indiana University.  This degree has been invaluable to hone my information architecture skills.

I also have a Master of Interactive Multimedia from Southern Illinois University. This degree has helped inform me on selecting the right technology and media solution that fosters teaching and learning solutions.

Here is an overview list of my skills as follows:

  • Canvas LMS Administration
  • Zoom Administration
  • Panopto Administration
  • SIMPLR Administration
  • PoleEverywhere Administration
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Adobe Suite Products including InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash etc.
  • Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint
  • Flash Actionscript
  • Streaming Video compression
  • Graphic Design
  • Storyboarding/Wireframing
  • Information Architecture
  • Project Management
  • User Centered Design
  • Active Learning Principles
  • Information Visualization

My linkedin profile-http://www.linkedin.com/pub/julia-jackson/6/698/8a1
